Thanks @chitchathk I really hope this is not on the cover cos nobody will pick it up! Lol omg I so need to work out. #flubbers @regram and thanks @blueyolive for the arrangement RG @chitchathk: 最新一期出版咗啦!!! 大家好快就睇到今期既豐富內容,啱晒係炎炎夏日一邊消暑,一邊睇。@chitchathk
#Interview with @geofftsui @konzepp_
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Get to know more, follow us @chitchathk on Instagram. Also, “LIKE” our #Facebook Page http://ift.tt/1sYaH3A #regramapp hashtag #Konzepp Photo Credits: Photo by geofftsui http://ift.tt/1qUsmI1
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