Design principles of General Idea: Using variety of fabrics and...

Design principles of General Idea:
Using variety of fabrics and new textures;
unisex design with contemporary sportism,
mixing and balances casual street wear with tailored designer garments

FW14 collection now available at
Konzepp store in K11 mall

運用各種物料, 設計略帶中性。款式游走於
casual street wear 與高級設計師服裝之中。
呢個就係服裝品牌 General Idea 既設計風格

FW14 collection 現於 @k11hk 既 @Konzepp_ 有售

#Konzepp #GeneralIdea #Fashion #K11 hashtag #Konzepp Photo Credits: Photo by konzepp_

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