Raimund Berthold is an Austrian born designer, based in London. His collections are characterized by color and silhouettes free from defined shapes. Berthold makes use of nylon, neoprene, synthetic fabrics and cut against natural wool and cotton in his amazing collection.
View Berthold line at Konzepp: http://ift.tt/1GEQM4b
BERTHOLD 主腦 Raimund Berthold,
奧地利出生, 基地設喺倫敦。佢既設計特點係顏色運用同不規則形狀。Raimund Berthold 設計用上人工物料如尼龍, 橡膠纎維嚟取代羊毛和綿等天然物料
BERTHOLD 喺 Konzepp 網站
同 K11 店有售
#bethold #konzepp #k11 #designer #fashion #neoprene #nylon #london hashtag #Konzepp Photo Credits: Photo by konzepp_ http://ift.tt/1JfyLXR
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