Hancock: Striding in the Rain

Art 36 Reef Wool Silk_Mastic_FactoryHere in humid Hong Kong, the rain and thunderstorms can seem endless at times. But now thanks to Hancock, there’s a reason to celebrate when you see the heavens opening. The British luxury label specialises in rubber bonded raincoats that are all produced in Scotland. Named after and inspired by Thomas Hancock, the English inventor and founder of the British rubber industry, we at Konzepp are sure that if Hancock was still around, he would be proud of what he sees. Hancock produces womesnwear, menswear and footwear all with their signature rubber bonded look. Currently in stock at Konzepp and online, next time it starts raining cats and dogs, celebrate with Hancock at Konzepp.

Art 8 Plum HW

Art 40 Mastic_Coral HV_Ocean HW_Mastic Sleeves

Art 36 Reef Wool Silk_Mastic


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